
Saturday, 10 November 2012


A very good day to you, today I am sharing a heart breaking experience with you. One of my friends disclosed the physical abuse she suffered, it was shocking, much worser than mine, she is a very strong person, she has found God, I broke down when I read her story, so I have composed a poem about her and all the women in the world who have or are suffering physical abuse. My poem:
                         ABUSED WOMEN
You were broken, you were raped,
Unimaginable experiences, your hope breaks,
Stand tall, take Power in your hands,
You are brave and courageous,
Face your aggressor , he is outrageous!
Time heals the pain, your being is not a mistake!
You are meant to be loved,
Continue on the road to recovery, take no breaks.
You are vulnerable, you deserve respect,
You are human, your body and spirit sacred!
Live your dream, move on, forgive the One who did you wrong,
You will finally be at peace with yourself,
Love life completely, without regrets,
You are not alone, I too, was a victim,
Let us end this vicious cycle which is beyond description.


  1. This is very touching Tazein:
    Similar like U I do feel very sad when any personal specially child and women getting abused.

    Unlike most of the people I don’t only feel sad but try to think deeper to find solution. To stop such anti-social elements we need proper law, a law that includes justice along with spirituality which helps the official to follow the laws rightfully.

    This is the only solution …

    Considering U thinkable I’m asking who is this possible?

  2. I pray for her healing. May she find the way to forgiveness.. and may the Lord console her pain with His powerful Love! I think your poem is very cathartic and empowering for those who share the same or similar experiences.

  3. This is a powerful poem. I am a survivor of rape as well. Thank you for your courageous words.

    1. Oh! Teliah I'm really sorry to hear that... May God give U peace and blessing...

    2. My best wishes are with you my dear, may God give you strength- you will definitely make it, trust God!

    3. Dear Teliah! My dear, God bless you,I will pray for you!

  4. What a heartfelt poem. Fingers crossed for all abused women around the Globe.
