
Monday, 13 January 2014


All human beings have the capacity to attain Wisdom.Some people learn early in life, some later, and some unfortunate ones, never!
People who are wise have one thing in common: they have undergone huge emotional loss, pain, heart break, a life changing  traumatic event, a chronic illness.Through their pain, they have emerged stronger, compassionate and wise. Enduring suffering is an event no one wants to go through, but it is an essential price to pay in order to achieve wisdom.
The first step towards healing is to accept our past, our mistakes and love ourselves- faults and all.Then only, we can truly love others.
Our experiences shape us to either bear our sorrows with patience or to become bitter and resentful. Patience is a key element here.To accept other people as they are, without judgement is the greatest step in attaining Wisdom.
No matter how many self- help books we read, nothing will sink in, until we ourselves are ready to absorb the knowledge listed there.
I feel that people who are wise can make a difference in this world, by being kind, compassionate,by providing hope to others.This is the greatest blessing of all! Life is a continuous cycle of growth and change. Being wise does not mean that our troubles will vanish,it simply means that we are well equipped to handle them.
Please do not give up hope! Your sorrows will one day become your strength, though you might not see it now.The very things which hold you down, might lift you up tomorrow! Remember, the people with the worst pasts sometimes end up with creating the best futures!


I am feeling very emotional. In inspiring the world, I have lost myself, I inspire thousands, which is a great feeling, but how do I inspire myself? I feel confused, I am waging war on several fronts, I am terribly unhappy, because there is no one I can share my pain with. I am unable to understand one thing: Why do I need a man to love me? It is a burning need in me to be loved as a woman, yet , I am forever destined to have many men friends, with whom I do not feel a romantic connection with. Who do I share my pain with? I am counselling people individually, but where do I go , whom do I tell, that I am just a normal woman who has her battles? No one is caring enough for me. After thinking about this fact , I feel it is my fate- no one can change it! God has decided that I will remain alone forever, I cannot question Him why, I just accept His Destiny for me! I am very strong, very self- confident, but when it comes to matters of the heart, I fail! Several times! Finally, trying to accept that which I cannot change! It hurts though!


In the midst of the twilight, I wake up,
Haunted by my inner demons, I feel like giving up,
Why did you enter my life, just to leave at first light?
Did you ever care about me, against your lust I still fight,
The memories are impossible to erase, I still recall your loving gaze,
Every thing is broke and twisted, every thing a haze,
I wish I had never met you, that you would have remained a stranger,
Just a friend, never a lover, out of my sight,
I wish I had protected myself from danger.


I thought we were meant to be together forever,
You said you would love  me for a million years,
Somewhere , along the way, you left me alone,
I was too shattered, there are no more words left to say,
Your eyes told your story, I saw myself in them,
Even , now, I am confused, what did I do wrong?
I want closure, I wish you had stayed away,
There is no sense in you leaving me, you say you still love me,
Yet, you have closed off your heart to something beautiful and enchanting.
I still have you in my heart, one day, you will become a fond memory,
Till that happens, I cry myself to sleep every night, you are everything I wanted for the first time,
Give me some hours to be at your side, to love you for a while,
Love has left a scar, no one can heal,
Only, I know, because my battered heart can feel.


When you were young, did you wonder,
How your life would turn out to be?
How will the moments of life affect you, will you laugh or cry?
Will you feel every emotion to the depth of your being?
Or will you shut out your inner fears?
Will be brave and courageous, loyal and steadfast,
Or will you remain a coward, a farce?
Remember, life goes on, stops for nobody,
Live out days in the best of ways,
Come on, light the world, you always have your say!


Whenever you feel like giving up,
Think of me, for I am always there,
An invisible presence, I hold your hand,
Aim sky high, my beautiful friend!
You are sweet, the nicest person I ever met,
I feel your pain, your eyes tell your story,
Every thing will work out in the end, do not worry!
Destiny brought us together, remember God tests us all,
The important thing is to keep going and never fall,
God loves you, He is always there, I love you, I will always!


Is there really  nothing sacred any more?
Broken trust, shattered hope, moments of despair,
Finally, you have found some one else,
After leaving me broken hearted, an empty shell,
You were fake all along, I just did not see,
How capable you were, you deceived me, was never free,
Karma comes for us all, you will get what you deserve,
One day, you will cry and  will know in your heart  the reason why.


Have you ever felt your own spirit? It is a very strange feeling, like some one is standing very close to you! I have felt my spirit several times. I imagine it holding me, when I am sad, comforting me, I feel it stronger than me! It is a strange feeling that won't go away!  A part of me wants to leave this world so that I can unite with my spirit. Honestly speaking, I do not want to live long- when I see the next 5 years, I break down! I do not know how am I going to manage to continue living for that long. I am depressed, because I have been forced by my husband to stay in the house, I quit my job last year to concentrate on writing.There is nothing to look forward to now- the kids have their own life, my husband is busy in his job, I am finding it difficult to survive! My spirit tells me that every thing will be all right, but I am very tired of dragging myself along since the last 19 years.Why does God want me to live when I sincerely pray to Him to kill me in an accident, or, whatever! I pray never to open my eyes again! Yes, this life is a gift, but not for me- My life is spent, I did what I wanted to do, now there is noting left except shattered dreams.


Life is such a short journey,
All of us have to leave one day,
Pursue your dreams, night and day,
Life does not come with guarantees,
You have to make your choices,
Some things are meant to be,
Let go of what you cannot change,
Give life your best shot!
If one door closes, God opens another one,
Take the leap of faith, for you are in His Arms,
Tragedy, sadness are part of life too!
We suffer from it all!
Never let go of Faith in your Darkest Hours,
The night is darkest before dawn,
Cling on to Hope, you in various ways!You will see better days, happiness will come to you in various ways!